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Ronaldo sent gone Japata

Juventus beat Argentina 3-0 in the quarter-finals of Atlántos in the quarterfinals. In extra to the put together of Jupiter, scored a goal in Kastagane. At the extremity of the match, Copa Italy available the semifinals of Atlanta.

In the 12th minute at the Atlanter field, Ronaldo missed the uncomplicated occasion of goal. Juventus's Portuguese band may perhaps not follow the opportunity to prevail on additional opportunities in the full match. in attendance is no one in Juventus's Divila, Matuidi or Khedirira. Atlantas dump the return with a 3-0 win.

Run the earliest knife in the chest of Atulanta Kastagan Juventus has the capacity to take care of the weakness of the ball, and the orb is pushed into the earn with a cool ball. After a fasten of minutes, the students of the Alegra once more frustrated the Atlanta in the dive. right now the craftsman Jaya. Zachata dying the clinic after being paid the orb from the pacealicha keeper. Juventus players may perhaps not deal with with the injury in the head partly in the principal half. Their association language visibly explains it. Alejio may perhaps not run the mood The judge grabbed the fate to director the disciples by eminence in the segment of the allele and inspection their game play.
In the primarily half, the hosts got new two or additional goals. Juventus warden Sajene does not suit the wall, but the integer of goals is additional sure.

While the orb is in the forefront, Atalanta foster increases the confront in the second partly of Atlanta. In the second half, Jovara adrift his possess game and puzzled the game.One hit and miss shot after the opponent's glance makes the image of their frustration. Four minutes before the finish of the scheduled game, the Italian giants cuffin the go on nail attack the basic partly scored Jaya Jaffa.
At the objective of the semifinals, Atalanta gave absent the modern champions from the competition.

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